Charting Our Strategic Course Through 2025

The creation of this plan is the result of months of prayer and deliberations by the Board of Directors.  This document has been written in a way to balance brevity with providing a clear vision and direction for the future.  

The Hope House strategic plan, titled Our Path Forward Through 2025 includes four themes as strategic foci for the next five years.  These themes and related goals include:


1. Increase racial/ethnic diversity throughout the organization including the Board of Directors, volunteers including providers, and in our patients.  

a. Goal: Add one new member of color to our Board of Directors by December 2021, and a second one by December 2023. (Champion: T. Wright)

b. Goal: Add one or two new volunteers of color to our corps each year through 2025, with two of the additions being providers. (Champion: C. Wilson-Jungck)

c. Goal: Increase the number of patients of color from the current level of near zero to at least five (5) percent of our patients by December 2023, and to at least eight (8) percent by December 2025.  (Champion: C. Wilson-Jungck)


2. Grow the total number of patients served each year by 10 percent.  To help achieve this outcome we will have to recruit more volunteers including more volunteer providers.  We also will seek to expand our engagement with the local business community and with primary care physicians.

a. Goal: Grow the number of volunteers from the current level of 26 to a total of 30 by December 2021 and to a total of 35 by December 2025.  See separate goal regarding the recruitment of providers.  (Champion: C. Wilson-Jungck)

b. Goal: Grow the number of volunteer providers from the current level of 2 to a total of 4 by July 2021, a total of 5 by December 2023 and to a total of 6 by December 2025.  See separate goal regarding the recruitment of volunteers.  (Champion: T. Wright)

c. Goal: Expand our outreach to selected local businesses and primary care physicians to educate them about Hope House, to partner with them where it makes sense in advancing our mission, and to seek referrals of individuals in the community who are in need and are uninsured.  (Champion: S. Durst)


3. Expand the use of collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) to 25 percent of our patients.

a. Goal: Partner in a more intentional way between the Hope House providers and the leadership of the FSU Pharmacy, to grow the use of CPAs to 7 percent of our patients by December 2022 and to 15 percent by December 2024.  (Champion: M. Young)


4. Create a wellness resource center for education and proactive health management of those we serve.

a. Goal: Define the scope and sharpen the purpose for this new wellness resource center by December 2021.  (Champion: S. Durst)

b. Goal: Identify the space, assemble the resources, and launch the new wellness resource center by June 2023.  (Champion: S. Durst)


Develop a succession plan for the Medical Director, the Clinical Director, and the Board officers.

a. Goal: Define the specific positions to be included in the succession plan and define with the Board the expectations for the general shape or content of the plan by June 2021.  (Champion: T. Wright)

b. Goal: Develop the succession plan and begin the implementation of it by December 2021.  (Champion: T. Wright) 


Action plans will be developed annually through 2025 to facilitate the implementation of this Plan.