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Message from Dr. Wright June 2024

“Now that we’re halfway through 2024 it’s time to give a Hope House Free Medical Clinic update. First off, It’s amazing to me to think that we have made it through a worldwide pandemic! Not that COVID is gone forever; far from it. But with vaccines, the broad spread of the virus, and its biological transformation were all in a far different situation than a year or two go. We are grateful to God and to all our volunteers and supporters who helped us make it. 2023 was a year marked by the arrival of many new patients, volunteers, and even a new board member, Barb Farr, who has assumed the treasurer position and brings us many years of experience in fund accounting. In spite of this growth we still have space for many new patients. If you are blessed to have health insurance then please keep in minded that many of the people you see or interact with every day don’t and may not know about Hope House. Anything you can do to spread the word about Hope House will help others access our services. If you know of any place where you an drop off brochures such as your church, place of work, local businesses or organizations you are associated with let us know and we’ll make sure you receive some to share. Our spiritual care guides have been having some great conversations recently with patients who report they are extremely pleased with for the care they receive and our attention to “the whole person.” Our office volunteer staff have been meeting in small teams recently  to work on improving the way we provide care and coordinate community resources for patients.  I’m thankful for the dedicated volunteers at Hope House some of which  have been with us for 5, 10, and now, 18 years. It’s a privilege to help our uninsured neighbors get the care they need.”

Pharmacy News

The pandemic presented unique challenges for the Rowe Pharmacy Care Clinic, but we have not wavered from our mission and vision to take care of patients’ medication needs. During these times of shutdowns and closures, the Rowe Pharmacy Care Clinic has kept normal hours and continued to provide medications via mail and curbside pick-up. We utilize a Pharmacist-Refill Protocol where the pharmacists are able to prescribe up to a 30 day fill of a patient’s medication in order to assure that patients are not going without their medications. Immunizations and lab testing had to be halted for a few months, but patients had lab tests ordered at Spectrum Hospital to make sure their care was monitored appropriately. Since the public has been granted access again to the Hagerman Pharmacy Building, the pharmacists have been actively reaching out to patients to have them come in for lab tests and immunizations. Influenza vaccines are even more important this year, so we are continuing to offer free vaccines to all Hope House patients, and strongly encouraging them to be up-to-date on all of their vaccines. We have also continued to offer pharmacist-managed care for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These services are offered under a Collaborative Practice Agreement with Dr. Wright that allows the pharmacists to start, stop, and change medications.

Why Do You Volunteer?

“Why do you volunteer at Hope House Free Medical Clinic?” That’s a great question. I’ve been fortunate to have been a part of the great team of volunteers at Hope House since it formed in 2006. After spending hours providing medical care in your “day job” why would anyone want to do this on their time off? The answer is at the heart of why we work in health care.” –Dr. Wright

Susan’s Story

Susan retired at age 64, prior to being eligible for Medicare and had no other insurance.  She heard about Hope House from a friend, and came to the clinic with several issues—rashes, high blood pressure, a facial lesion. Hope House provided a safety net for her, obtaining needed lab and radiology services as well as a referral to dermatology.  Through this process it was recognized that Susan had cancerous lesions in her lungs as well as colon abnormalities.  She applied for her Medicare and since she was within 30 days of eligibility, she was able to continue with her treatment through a cancer center in Grand Rapids.

Leroy’s Story

Leroy was referred by a hospital in Grand Rapids.  Not only was he diabetic, he had suffered a pulmonary embolism and needed close follow-up after discharge, since he was going to be on blood thinners and other medications.  Not only was he seen at Hope House, but our providers assumed the responsibility for monitoring his weekly labs.  He subsequently developed other problems, but continued to be seen at Hope House until he was finally accepted for Medicaid.  Our providers cared for him until he obtained a new provider, an additional six months.

Buy Ambien (Zolpidem) Online – Insonia Treatment

When taking Ambien, it’s crucial to be aware of several important precautions to ensure your safety and the medication’s effectiveness. First, avoid consuming food shortly before or after taking Ambien, as this can reduce its absorption and delay its sleep-inducing effects. It’s particularly important to steer clear of high-fat meals, which can significantly impact the drug’s efficacy. Where to Buy Ambien Online? Drug Name: Ambien (Zolpidem) Tablet Strength: 10mg Available Packages: 30, 60, 90, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300 pills Payment Method: VISA, MASTERCARD Shipment: Express Delivery Service Buy Now From: NoRxPharmaStore24 Alcohol consumption while using Ambien is strictly prohibited. The combination can dangerously amplify the sedative effects, potentially leading to severe drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired cognitive function. Additionally, this interaction may increase the risk of potentially life-threatening side effects. Driving and operating heavy machinery should be avoided for at least 8 hours after taking Ambien. The medication can cause drowsiness and impair your reaction time, making these activities hazardous. Similarly, refrain from engaging in any tasks requiring full alertness until you’re certain of how Ambien affects you. Be mindful of potential side effects such as dizziness, daytime drowsiness, and in rare cases, sleep-walking or performing activities while not fully awake. If you experience any unusual or severe side effects, contact your healthcare provider immediately. By adhering to these precautions, you can maximize the benefits of Ambien while minimizing potential risks and ensuring your overall well-being. Special Considerations: Ambien Usage for Specific Groups When prescribing Ambien, healthcare providers must take into account certain patient populations that may require additional caution or modified dosing. Elderly patients, for instance, are more susceptible to the sedative effects of Ambien and may be at a higher risk for falls and cognitive impairment. As such, lower doses are typically recommended for this group. Pregnant women should exercise extreme caution when considering Ambien use. While limited studies have been conducted, there is potential for harm to the developing fetus. It’s crucial for expectant mothers to consult their healthcare provider to weigh the benefits against the risks. Individuals with liver problems may metabolize Ambien differently, potentially leading to increased drug concentrations in the bloodstream. Dosage adjustments and close monitoring are often necessary for these patients to ensure safe and effective treatment. People with a history of substance abuse require special attention when prescribed Ambien. The medication’s potential for dependence and abuse is higher in this group, necessitating careful evaluation and ongoing monitoring by healthcare professionals. In all cases, it’s essential for patients to communicate openly with their healthcare providers about their medical history and any concerns regarding Ambien usage to ensure the safest and most appropriate treatment plan. Potential Side Effects and Risks of Ambien Use Ambien, while effective for short-term insomnia treatment, comes with potential side effects and risks that users should be aware of. Common side effects include daytime drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches. Some users may experience more unusual effects like sleepwalking, sleep-eating, or even sleep-driving. Rare but serious side effects can include allergic reactions, memory problems, and changes in behavior or mood. Long-term use of Ambien may lead to cognitive impairment and an increased risk of falls, especially in older adults. One significant concern is the risk of dependence. Regular use can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses for the same effect. This can potentially result in addiction. When discontinuing Ambien, users may experience withdrawal symptoms such as rebound insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. It’s crucial to use Ambien only as prescribed and to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider. Monitoring for side effects and being aware of the potential risks can help ensure safer use of this medication. Alternative Sleep Aids and Treatments When it comes to addressing sleep issues, many individuals are seeking non-pharmacological treatments as effective alternatives to traditional sleep medications. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) has emerged as a highly successful approach, helping people identify and modify thoughts and behaviors that interfere with sleep. This evidence-based treatment typically involves working with a therapist to develop better sleep habits and challenge negative thought patterns. Lifestyle changes can also play a crucial role in improving sleep quality. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing the sleep environment are all powerful strategies. Regular exercise, particularly during daylight hours, has been shown to promote better sleep, while reducing caffeine and alcohol intake can prevent sleep disruptions. Natural sleep aids have gained popularity among those seeking gentler alternatives. Herbal remedies such as valerian root, chamomile tea, and passionflower are commonly used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Melatonin supplements, while not strictly “natural,” are widely used to regulate sleep-wake cycles, especially for those dealing with jet lag or shift work. Other alternative treatments include relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation. These practices can help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep. Some individuals find success with acupuncture or aromatherapy using essential oils like lavender. While these alternative approaches can be effective for many, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, especially if sleep issues persist or worsen over time.

Where To Buy Amoxil Online Without Prescription?

Amoxil over the counter The duration of Amoxil treatment varies depending on the type and severity of the infection being treated. Typically, a course of Amoxil can last anywhere from 3 to 14 days. It’s crucial to complete the entire prescribed course, even if you start feeling better before it’s finished. This helps ensure that all harmful bacteria are eliminated and reduces the risk of antibiotic resistance. Drug Name: Amoxil Tablet Strength: 1000 mg, 500 mg, 250 mg Best Price: $2.6 Per Pill Payment: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, BTC Where to Buy Amoxil? Visit Canadian Pharmacy Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern in the medical community. When patients don’t finish their prescriptions, some bacteria may survive and develop resistance to the antibiotic, making future infections harder to treat. This is why healthcare providers emphasize the importance of taking all prescribed doses. Your doctor will determine the appropriate length of treatment based on your specific condition. Common durations include: – 3-7 days for mild to moderate infections – 10-14 days for more severe or complicated infections Always follow up with your doctor if symptoms persist after completing the prescribed course or if you experience any unusual side effects. They may need to adjust your treatment plan or consider alternative antibiotics. Remember, only a healthcare professional can determine the optimal duration of Amoxil treatment for your individual case. Precautions and Side Effects: What to Watch Out For When taking any medication, it’s crucial to be aware of potential precautions and side effects. Common side effects may include nausea, headaches, or drowsiness, but these often subside as your body adjusts to the medication. However, it’s important to watch for signs of allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, or difficulty breathing, and seek immediate medical attention if these occur. Drug interactions can significantly impact the effectiveness of your medication or increase the risk of side effects. Always inform your healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, and herbal products you’re taking to avoid potentially dangerous interactions. Pregnancy and breastfeeding considerations are particularly important when it comes to medication use. Some drugs can pose risks to fetal development or be passed through breast milk. If you’re pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before starting or continuing any medication regimen. Remember, while this information is general, each medication has its specific precautions and side effects. Always read the medication guide provided and discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective treatment. Storage and Handling: Keeping Your Amoxil Safe and Effective Proper storage of Amoxil is crucial to maintain its effectiveness and safety. Keep the medication in its original container, tightly closed, and away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. Store tablets and capsules at room temperature, typically between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). For liquid suspensions, follow the specific storage instructions provided, as some may require refrigeration after reconstitution. Always check the expiration date before use, as expired antibiotics can be ineffective or potentially harmful. If your Amoxil has expired, do not use it. Instead, dispose of it properly to prevent environmental contamination and antibiotic resistance. Many pharmacies offer medication take-back programs, or you can mix the medication with an undesirable substance like coffee grounds before sealing it in a plastic bag and throwing it in the trash. For liquid suspensions, proper reconstitution is essential. Follow the pharmacist’s instructions carefully, using the correct amount of water and shaking the bottle well before each use. Once reconstituted, mark the discard date on the bottle and refrigerate if required. Unused liquid suspension should be discarded after the specified time frame, usually 10-14 days. By adhering to these storage and handling guidelines, you can ensure that your Amoxil remains safe and effective throughout its intended use period.